May 10, 2010

Prezi - a new tool for making better prezentations

One of the most interesting development in the field of prezentation tools is Prezi.

Beside using it for presentations, you can use it for Mind Mapping too, like here:

And here you can see some tricks for masters:

You can use it for free, and if you are using it for educational purposes, there is an edu version for it, with lot of cool features.

So, why not using a better tool for the same job?


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Balint Balint. Balint Balint said: About Prezi: [...]

  2. Sorry but I Misadressed it before.

    Hello, it’s interesting that 2 days ago I told my boyfriend: I saw a presentation from Bertalan Mesko, and he used a special “powerpoint”. Asked him what could it be, he said that maybe Prezi. We guessed if it’s free or we have to buy it before use. Thanks for the answer Balint:)

