Aug 30, 2010

Love and Other Drugs

A good demonstration about the importance of pharmacology :)))

Aug 28, 2010

Liquid Nitrogen Experiments: The Rubber Stopper

Liquid Nitrogen Experiments: Insulators

Dry Ice vs. Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream - Short Version

Liquid Nitrogen Experiments: The Carnation

Liquid Nitrogen vs. Liquid Oxygen: Fire

Liquid Nitrogen Demonstration

Cooking with Liquid Nitrogen - Ferran Adria and Harold McGee

Aug 24, 2010

A men for Science Education after receiveng his Nobel Prize

Carl Wieman, is a Nobel Laureate in Physics. He gave in the last years a series of lectures about the scientific assesment of teaching science.

On of these lectures about how to teach science given at Harvard can be seen here.

The conclusions are refreshing: there is a way of teaching science outside the laboratories too.

One of the tools he is suggesting is modelling of real experiments. He developedd and made freely available a set of basic experiments.

You can have a look to these and use them at the website of the Colorado University here.

In his lectures he is refering to a book abour expertieze end experts, The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance. Seems to be a relevant book int this topic: